Sage Day 2024 : St. Peter's Fly Shop

It’s that "sage" time of year again!

Join us on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, for our annual St. Peter's Fly Shop Sage Day

and enter to win a FREE Sage single-hand fly rod of choice!

Swing by either shop, all day long to cast and check out Sage fly rods, Rio fly lines and more specials around the shop.

-Gift card kickbacks on all Sage Fly Rods - Featuring the Sage R8 Core, Salt R8, and more!

-In-Store specials on ALL Rio fly lines, leaders and tippets

-15% OFF ALL flies, ALL day

-Additional specials on products throughout the shop

-Boat Room Specials - 10% OFF all accessories

-Select watercraft on sale

-Select footwear on sale

-Sage Day Raffle:  Any purchase enters you to win a grand prize of any single-hand Sage fly rod of choice!

-2nd and 3rd prizes to be announced

-Happy Hour from 1pm-3pm

 Come share your springtime fishing experiences and cast some Sage rods with us!

*FYI for South Shop Customers*

The city has planned to completely close the intersection of Harmony Rd and Timberline from May 31-June 2. This will make access to the South shop a little different for those three days, including Sage Day. To access the South shop through this short timeframe, follow these instructions:

-All access to the South shop must be from EAST BOUND Harmony Rd.

-Once you pass the Safeway and cross over McMurry Ave, stay in far left lane, look for “Business Access” sign and flagger to allow a left turn at break in median, about 300ft from Timberline, across from Cold Stone Creamery / Delany Dr.

-Proceed across Harmony Rd and turn into the west side of vacant dirt lot, and proceed to the shop through the dirt lot.

-Exit as normal, driving west bound on Harmony Rd.

-Please see map below. Red arrows are entry, yellow is exit.