ALL NEW! Sage R8 Classic and Rio Gold Fly Lines Product Review
What's New?
Dare we say it is SPRING already?! It sure feels like it here in the front range of colorado after a brutal cold snap. Spring is a time of regrowth and the start of the season and we are incredibly excited to have a varierty of new products here in the shop from Both Sage and Rio. Let's start by talking about the heavy hitters, the R8 Classic.
History Didn't repeat itself...
While the new Classic R8 Rods are a culmination of the most advanced materials, componentry, and application-specific tapers to date, the aesthetics span the decade of Sage history and fly fishing itself.

R8 Classic Fly Rod
With new rods coming out every year, we can't help our curiosity to feel the difference. With the new R8 Classic Rod, we noticed that history didn't repeat itself. While other manufacturers continue to evolve the next "Fast Action" Fly rod, Sage took a step back.